Sunday, October 10, 2010


My sweet babies,
Mason and Maddy, you guys are growing like weeks. You just had your two month appt on Friday. Mason, you are now the bigger one! You weighed in at 12 lbs 12 ozs and an even 24 inches long. And you Maddy, are 12 lbs 1 oz and 23 1/4 inches long. You also got your shots. Poor Mason, you were so miserable the whole night. It was also mine and Daddy's 5 year wedding anniversary and you and your big brother all spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Ludois' house. Neither of you were very happy campers, but Mason was the most miserable. At least on a good note, you both are starting to be very good sleepers! You usually fall asleep around 830-930pm and only wake up once during the night to eat. Hallelujah is all I have to say!!! At almost 11 weeks old, you guys are growing so much. You both started smiling about 2 weeks ago finally. It just melts your heart when you guys give your little smirks and smiles. It makes you Mason look even more like your big brother, where Maddy, it just confirms it that you are my spitting image when I was your age. Last Thursday we took you guys and big brother to Peace Park. I tried taking some pics of you guys but neither of you were really in the mood. But we went for a nice walk on the trails and Conner got to run some energy off with daddy. It is days like those that I will always remember. Just us 5, enjoying each other on a gorgeous fall day. There is nothing better! Last night we had to laugh, we think staying at G&G's house wore our you guys as much as it did them. Mason, you fell asleep on my lap after eating around 630 or 7pm. We tried waking you up and you just were not having it. You ate a little when we fed Maddy but you were just down for the count. You didn't even wake up until 345am! You were one tired boy. And today Maddy, you have been asleep in your carseat most of the afternoon just snoozing away!
My sweet Conner,
Oh do you keep us busy. You haven't been feeling the best the last week or so. You have one heck of a cough, but it doesn't slow you down any that is for sure! You loved your time over at G&G's house. You and Grandpa had a "peeing" contest as well as your usual "farting" contest. You always laugh so hard when you tell us about it! You also told Grandma that when she is at work you miss her so much, and you told her that about 3 times. You are such a sweet little boy. You are so much like your daddy. You look rough and tough on the outside, but on the inside you are one big teddy bear with a heart of gold. You really enjoyed our time at the park. You just run non-stop! It has been pretty low key though, we haven't done too much since you haven't really been feeling well. You have started to show a little more attitude as well. I think the whole "sharing" mom and dad with two new babies is starting to really sink in. You love your babies so much, but I can really see that you have been acting out a little more. But that just means you need a little more one on one time with us.
On another note, you sure love school. You have really adjusted to going every day for 2 1/2 hours. You talk about your friends, and how much you like your teacher. I just hope you always love school this much.
That is it for now my loves

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