Monday, September 27, 2010

SO much

Dear loves,
Maddy and mason, thank the heavens you are starting to sleep more through the night. Daddy and mommy can finally go to bed together again! The whole shift thing was really starting to wear on us. Now you sleep fairly well, and only get up usually one time to eat. That is super nice:) You both are starting to smile and coo also. I love your little half smirks. Grandpa Ludois was over on Thursday helping me out while Daddy was gone, and he got you to smile Mason, and you could tell he was so proud. He loves all three of you more than you could ever know.
This weekend you finally got to meet your great-grandparents. They were so excited to meet you, and said how adorable you both are. We spent most of Saturday over there, hanging out. Daddy was helping a friend, and I thought it would be fun to spend the day over there. Hopefully they all felt the same.
Conner, my sweet Conner. Saturday you didn't have a nap. We tried laying down on G&G's bed. The first time I was holding Maddy and you snuggled in my arm. We had our eyes closed, and then Mason let a HUGE fart. God, your laugh is just infectious. We both laughed so hard. So needless to say, no nap for you. Later that night, once we got home, you asked if I wanted to snuggle. So I sat on the couch with you, with you legs over mine and you fell asleep in no time flat. Daddy actually carried you upstairs and you didn't even wake up. I cannot remember the last time that happened. It just goes to show, how hard you play and that you still need a nap everyday! You pretty much played non-stop at G&G's house. But it was so sweet, seeing daddy carrying you upstairs. It's little moments like that I don't ever want to forget.
You are finally getting accustomed to going to school every day. When we get there you always ask me to lift you up. So I pick your 56 lbs up and we sway. It is funny, that even though you are 4, I still sway when I hold you. It goes to show, that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby boy.
I think you are adjusting as well as can be expected to being a big brother of two new babies. You give them hugs and kisses constantly and you always tell them you love them. You are the best big brother, and Mason and Madelynn are SO lucky to have you as their big brother. I remember the night they were born, you were so excited to get there to the hospital. When you got in the room, Grandma Kim had tears in her eyes, and the room was kind of strained. We knew the babies were having some problems, but we didn't know to what extent. When you cam in the recovery room, you had the absolute biggest smile I have ever seen on your face. You were SO proud that you were finally a big brother. I think that is what breaks my heart the most about the whole experience. I feel like you were cheated out of getting what you deserved. You didn't get to really see or touch the babies until they came home over a week later. It isn't what I imagined would happen when we welcomed the babies into our family. And I feel horrible that that was your experience becoming a big brother. I know everything is great now, and the day you first met each of the babies and how you acted will forever remain in my heart. You were so proud. And your smile could not have gotten any bigger. You didn't know Maddy was coming home at all. It was a total surprise. It was to us as well! When you walked in the door and we said we had a surprise for you and when you saw her, and you started giggling and smiling. You were saying how happy you were while you were helping feed her. Like I have said, you are an amazing big brother.
I love all three of you more than you could ever know

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