Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My loves,
It has been hectic for sure since I last wrote. Poor Mason, you have had quite the week. You have always been the "fussier" baby between you and your sister. But this past Wednesday you started having diarrhea. Then on Saturday it started having blood in it. Needless to say your dad and I (and everyone else) were extremely worried. We ended up taking you to urgent care where they doctor on call said not to worry, try soy formula and follow up with your ped on Monday. Well on Monday, we saw the ped on call since yours had the day off. He told us, as of right now, to try another type of formula called Nutramigen. It is seriously a miracle! We could tell a difference in you after your first bottle. It is so expensive, so thank goodness we get a little help in that department, but to see you this happy and content, I would pay a million dollars a can! It makes me feel so bad, knowing that when you have been so fussy and looked like you were so uncomfortable over the past 2 or so months, it was most likely because you were allergic to the milk protein in your formula. I guess it is just a mother's poragative to feel bad about everything! LOL So hopefully this keeps on working. Even Grandma Kim when she stopped over today, kept saying how you were like a different baby. It is so wonderful!
On another note, the past two nights you guys have slept through the night!! No bottle feedings at all! Last night Maddy, you did wake up just screaming. Then dad tried to give you your pacifer, and that REALLY mad you mad. He layed you on the bed while he made your bottle and I just rubbed your head and off to sleep you went. You are such a character. You always let us know when you are NOT happy.
Both of you are just smiling up a storm now. It just melts my heart. You both are such wonderful babies. We waited so long for you to finally be here, and now that you are it is just surreal. We are so blessed.
My sweet Conner. Last week we went to your bedtime stories get together at Adams. You were so excited to get to wear your PJ's to school. You enjoyed all the books that the kindergarten teachers read. There was only one other little girl from your P4J class that was there, the rest of the kids were in kindergarten. We sat right up front, and it was so funny seeing you wanting to play with these few boys that were sitting next to you. They were playing with their stuffed animals you all got to bring, and we could see that you were just itching to play with them. When you finally got the nerve to, I was so relieved that they were nice boys and you guys played for a few minutes. You are just so brave. You just go with the flow and make friends where ever you go. Nothing really bothers you. I just pray you keep that trait as you grow up.
We went this past Saturday to play at Camden park with us 5, Grandma Kim, and your cousing Teyton and his Grandma Simi that were visiting from S. Dakota. You guys sure had a good time. Other than that, it has been pretty low key. You still are such a good helper with the babies *most of the time*. We are trying our best to make sure that you know how special you are to us by having some playtime outside with just us three. We know how huge of an adjustment having two new siblings has been, but you have been doing SUCH a great job. And you always make sure to give Maddy and Mason a kiss before you leave for school and before you go to bed and you always tell them you love them and that they are the best brother and sister you have ever seen.
When I see you next to other kids, I really get to see how wonderful of a kid you truly are. I mean, I KNOW you are wonderful, but you are such a polite, sweet and just awesome kid. We are SO blessed that we were chosen to be your parents. Every night when I come up to bed, I always check on you and cover you up and give you a kiss and tell you I love you. It is so hard to realize that you are growing so fast. I want you to stay my baby forever. I sometimes touch your hand, and just marvel at what a wonderful child you are.
Well goodnight my loves, I hope you all know how much we love you. And I pray to God every minute of every day that you three grow up never doubting that, and that he will keep you all safe and sound.

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