Monday, September 20, 2010


Dear babies,
This weekend went so fast. Conner spent the night at Grandma's house while Grandpa was out of town at a pool tournatment. You had just a great time. Then Saturday night Grandma offered to watch Mason and Madelynn. And of course you wanted to stay too. Grandma had quite the handful with all you three. I asked if she had a death-wish! With babies crying and Bella barking, Grandma was almost reduced to tears since Mason was crying off and on from about 730pm to 1230am. I said she could have called, but she wanted us to have a good night sleep! She said you were SUCH a big help, Conner. And on Sunday morning when she was feeding the babies, you grabbed whatever glasses you could reach and gave her a big glass of water. What a sweetheart you are.♥ You also informed her that mommy had water too, and she puts ice in it to make it cold! And after going to the bathroom, you gave grandma a good laugh, stating that, "uh oh, I have dia-we-wah" You always can put a smile on anyones face baby boy.
Sunday was pretty uneventful. We just layed around the house since it was icky outside. Those are the best days though, the ones that we can just relax and spend time together, with nothing else to do.
Mason and Madelynn, you guys are starting to sleep more, THANK GOD. On average you both sleep about 3-5 hours at a time. Maddy, you are the better sleeper I have to admit. Maybe you can teach your brother a few things. You both are growing so fast. Almost 8 weeks old already. I wish time would slow down and you both would stay my little, wrinkly newborns a little longer. But I am so excited for the journey ahead and am so looking forward to your first smiles and your first laughs. SO many awesome things await my babies.
That is it for now. I am going to try my darndest to blog every night to recap the day. I want to remember these times, and I want you three to be able to look back when your older, and see how our little family developed over time.
I love you my three angels.

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