Saturday, November 24, 2012

Crazy kids

Twins.  Seriously. They give you a run for your money. We have been having problems keeping our clothes and diapers on during naptime and at night.  We have tried duct tape on the diapers, then duct taped diapers and onsies, yet somehow theybalways end up butt naked with pee and usually poop all over the floor.  So now, we are trying footie jammies on backwards with the zipper duct taped.  Usually this has been working fairly well.  But if yi u hear laughing, you better get in there fast.  That usually meajs they are HELPING each other get the duct tape off and unzip they jammies.  Seriously!  At least, like my mom said, we are helping them learn to help each other early on, to the detriment of our sanity however.   We have to have our house locked up like Ft. Knox as well.  We have to lock doors from the inside and have a little key to pop it when we want to get in say, the bathroom.  We have tried the regular door knob locks, and Mr. Mason has them off in record time.  There is definitely never a dull moment in the Wallman household.  We are very much a glutton for punishment as well.  We are actually going to try and put our Christmas tree out in the living room. I give it maybe an hour before we are putting it in the back room.  Ya gotta try, right?
Then there is our Conner.  Mouthy as ever, but god do I love that boy.  He is doing so well in 1st grade and says he loves math.  Not quite sure what family he is from! We come from a long line of poor performance in math!  He is learning more and more everyday and we could not be more proud of him.  The other day after picking him up from my parents house, he was talking to Nate and was talking about Duke, Kutter, Duncan, Oskar and Reggie.  All dogs from our family that have passed.  He kinda laughed and said , "oh man, those were the days".  Haha seriously?  How does a 6 year old have "days".  Crazy crazy kids. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh goodness

Tonight, my mason and I did not have a good night.  I am sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection, Nate and conner are up at eagle river, and I have a 22 month old.who will not keep his diaper on and peed on the floor (with an occasional #2 thrown in for good measure.  After he took it off in his crib and peed on his bedding, I lost it.  Ugly cry and all.  I spanked his but and just started screaming.  Not a proud mommy moment, at.all.  after I changed his bedding, his tear.streaked face.just broke my heart.  I gave him a huge hug, and about a million kisses saying how sorry I was and I should not yell and scream like that.  Hopefully, like someone on facepage said, he will forget since kids have the attention spans of knats.  I sure hope he won't bring it up in some repressed memory session!  Needless to say, I am more than ready for daddy and cdog to get home.  They planted over a 100 trees today, went canoeing (Omg I was hoping he wouldn't want to do that) and went fishing, where he caught not one, but FIVE fish!  Such a little angler.  then they had a bonfire and he got weepy when Blake sheltons, "I went to go home" song came on.  And he broke my heart the last time I talked to.him on Tuesday...he was fine just chatting away then just burst into tears.  Is it bad that I am glad he actually misses me?
Not much on our home front.  My mom came over to watch the twinnies while I went to.the Dr.. then she did my dishes and picked up.  Gotta love mommies! 
I swear, tomorrow will be a better day, and I will smother mason and Madrid in kisses and hugs to make up for my major lapse in good mothering.. and then daddy and conner home and we will all have some much needed family time.  <3 you all so much, and I promise to do better tomorrow.