Monday, November 22, 2010


My angels,
Sorry it has been so long so I have written. It has just been so crazy. Imagine that, a crazy, hectiv life with twinnies and a rambunctious 4 year old?!
Maddy, Oh Maddy. You are our smiley girl. It seems unless you are tired or hungry (or sleeping), you are smiling. Even the few times you wake up at night, or when we are trying to put you to sleep, all you see is your precious gummy smile. It is the best.thing.ever.
Mason, you my dear are a totally different baby since you are on your new formula. It is seriously amazing. You are quite the talker and smiler yourself. We are going to nickname you "squeaky" because that is how you talk. It is so adorable. You also love to be on the move. When we sit you in your swing, you seriously make the whole thing shake by kicking your legs around. I have a feeling you are going to be a little spitfire like your big bro.
You both had your first taste of food on Friday 11/29. I broke the rule of only one thing at a time *shame on me;)*, you both split little jars of bananas and pears. I probably had to give you Maddy, the same spoonful about 4 times before you got it all down. Mason, you on the other hand seemed to really get the hang of it. It was so cute, because when you knew it was your turn you started kicking and flailing your arms and going "mMm, MmM" You both seemed to really like it. With having both of you eating solids, I am going to try and be "thrifty" and make your baby food. I apologize in advance:)
Mason, you are SO close to rolling over. The other night when I was gone, daddy had you on your floor mat. You rolled completley on your side, and then passed out. You stayed there until he rolled you back on your back, where you fell fast asleep, with arms wide open and on your sister.
Maddy, you are close too, but we still need to work more because you are just content chilling however you sit you down.
Both of you are still sleeping in your darn carseats. We try our hardest and usually lay you down in the crib downstairs for your nap first, then when you wake up we end up putting you back in your carseat. It just doesn't seem like either of you get a very restful night sleep. Granted you are sleeping mostly through the night, but you both seem so tired the next day and if you do wake up during the night you are arching your back like you want to lay flat. Oh how I wish I could understand babytalk or you could tell me what you wanted.
You both had a great Halloween. You didn't stay in your costumes too long however. Maddy, you didn't even make it out of the driveway. You were in a big pumpkin costume and Mason, you wore Conner's lion costume from his first Halloween. You didn't walk around with us, because it was pretty chilly. Instead you stayed with Great Grandma and Grandpa Ahern at their house, and then when we went and saw Great Aunt Tammy and Uncle Scott, they watched you while we walked around their neighborhood.
I can't believe though, your first official holiday is over. Now Thanksgiving is in a few days and then this Saturday you will be 4 months. Time is just going too fast and you guys are growing up way to quickly.
We are going to try and take you both up, along with your big brother to Great G&G Bell's house this weekend. I think Grandma Kim and I are out of our minds, but hey, we might as well give it a whirl. I may end up being committed in the end, but I really want all of us to get up there, I just wish daddy were coming along. Not only because we will definitely miss him, but it SURE would be nice to have an extra set of hands.
I love you both so much. When I look at you, it is hard to even remember how long we waited for you. You both are so wonderful, I hope you never forget that.

Conner butt, you my love, definitely keep us on our toes. You are just too darn smart for you own good. You are learning your days of the week and can spell anything you see. You suprised us all when you were talking about your friend Griffin, and you said, my friend G-R-I-F-F-I-N. The things you are learning just amaze us. We are really trying to work with you on sounding things out. Because since you are so good at spelling we feel it is just a matter of time before you start being able to read.
The love you have for your brother and sister makes us smile. You always make sure to give your brother and sister a kiss and hug before you leave for school. And you tell us all the time, " I love my sister and brother". The other day after I got the babies dressed, I was holding Madelynn and you said, "OH, she looks beautiful!" I hope you always love your brother and sister this much.
I love you all so much, don't ever for get that

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